Welcome to Owen Primary School

Owen Primary School is a small rural school situated 72km north of Adelaide in the Adelaide plains of South Australia. The school familial background consists of a rural farming community as well as local residents who reside and work in the town and nearby areas. Establishing, developing and maintaining meaningful interactions with families, school and the community is a focus.

Staff at Owen Primary School believe that every child can achieve and the school strives for continuous improvement in service and performance, whilst being accountable, responsive and innovative in order to raise expectations. The school has a strong focus on monitoring student learning outcomes and supporting every individual student’s learning growth as evidenced by student learning outcome data. There is strong parent and community interest in, and support of all aspects of school life at Owen Primary School.

Since 2015 all staff have been part of the visible learning journey with a major focus being on feedback and in particular staff giving more effective and efficient feedback to students as well as students learning to give themselves and fellow peers effective feedback about their learning. The ultimate goal is to have all staff and students able to give each other feedback about each other’s teaching and learning. The school is working on making sure all learning intentions and success criteria are clear and ensuring that all classrooms are a safe environment that allows students be able to engage in this feedback process.

Student voice is heard through our Student Representative Council and this council is elected by their peers.

Achievement | Caring | Excellence

Parent Information

Owen Primary School is a delightful rural school, with a dedicated staff who work to ensure the best educational outcomes for each individual student. The school has strong connections to the community, and students benefit from positive family support and involvement in the school.
Staff have a clear knowledge of each student’s learning needs, this knowledge is gathered in a number of ways including.

Talking with each other about our perceptions of each child as a learner,
Listening to parents and carers as the first educators of their children,
Listening to and observing students as they work,
Developing individual learning plans for students as necessary,
Use of regular diagnostic assessments to ensure we have ongoing data about students literacy and numeracy skills, knowledge and understandings,
Using the information from diagnostic assessments and staff perceptions to ensure each child receives the learning support they need in all curriculum areas.
Please see the ‘Family Charter’ and ‘Working with families to provide quality education to the students of Owen Primary School’ documents with this information package.

Parents are Valued!

What you think is important to us. There are a number of ways parent and carers can influence education at Owen Primary School and provide valuable support to the school.

  • You are welcome to make an appointment with your child’s teachers to discuss individual learning needs,
  • Join the Parents and Friends Group,
  • Become a member of the Governing Council,
  • Attend pupil free days and staff professional learning sessions when invited,
  • Complete school surveys when invited to,
  • Make an appointment to talk with the Principal.

We invite you to enjoy this year’s learning journey with staff and students.


Owen playgroup offers a quality, play based, learning environment to all pre-school aged children and their families in the local area. The playgroup offers both indoor and outdoor learning activities which stimulates learning through play. This learning environment gives children and their families the chance to build relationships with others in the local community. Playgroup is currently held on Tuesdays from 9:30am-12noon at the school library and is a free program. Playgroup is available during weeks 2-10 of each school term. As seen in the photo student’s activities are based around various learning themes. Owen playgroup and families welcome anyone in the local area to be part of our learning community.